- Written by Gabriela CERTAD
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Conference on parasites of fish, January 20th, 2015, Pasteur Institute of Lille
What ?
What you should know about fish parasites.
Where ?
At the Pasteur Institute of Lille in the Buttiaux amphitheatre.
When ?
on Tuesday, the 20th of January 2015, from 5.00 pm until 7.00 pm.
Who ? Some of the Fish-Parasites partners
Dr. Mélanie Gay, responsible for research, ANSES (National Agency of Food Security, Environment and Work) laboratory of food security, Boulogne-sur-Mer.
Dr. Gabriela Certad, Researcher, Biology and Diversity of Emerging Eukaryotic Pathogens Eucaryotes Emergents (BDEEP), Center for Infection & Immunity of Lille (CIIL), Pasteur Institute of Lille.
Dr. Cécile-Marie Aliouat-Denis, Researcher-Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lille 2, Biology and Diversity of Emerging Eukaryotic Pathogens Eucaryotes Emergents (BDEEP), Center for Infection & Immunity of Lille (CIIL), Pasteur Institute of Lille.
How ?
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Summary of the conference
Numerous parasites can occur in or on fishing or aquaculture products. Amongst these, some are responsible of zoonoses that impact on human health. A research program (Fish-Parasites, ANR-10-ALIA-004) targeted a better understanding of the risk linked with the parasites of fish in France. During this conference, we will focus on two groups of parasites that were studied in this program: on one hand, the microscopical parasites belonging to the genus Cryptosporidium, that may cause diarrhea in fragile subjects. No data were available on the presence of these parasites in fish in France. Cryptosporidium has been more frequently detected in freshwater fish than in marine fish. On the other hand, we will also talk about the Anisakidae which are macroscopical nematodes or roundworms, that occur in many fish species with variable intensities. These parasites may induce either light digestive pathologies folowing the ingestion of insufficienltly cooked or raw fish either more rarely allergies. While the consumption of raw fish is trendy, some advices to prevent the consumer against the risk will be given at the end of the conference.