- Written by Gabriela CERTAD
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- Read: 2870 times
Detecting and identifing
Visceral and fillet examination of fish is performed either on board or in the laboratories (IFREMER Nantes, ANSES Boulogne s/mer, Cochin hospital-Paris Descartes Univ.) in order to increase the number of processed samples.
The fish processing is standardized across laboratories. Once isolated, the parasites are distributed between partners for final molecular identification.
⁃ Microscopic, histological and ultrastructural examination of tissue samples for identifying Protists, Myxozoa and Microsporidia (BDEEP Pasteur Institute of Lille)
⁃ Molecular analyses of anisakid larvae (IFREMER Nantes, ANSES Boulogne s/mer)
⁃ Molecular analyses of plerocercoid larvae (Cochin hospital-Paris Descartes Univ.)
⁃ Molecular analyses of Cryptosporidium samples (BDEEP Pasteur Institute of Lille)
⁃ Testing the ability of Cryptosporidium isolates to infect mammals (BDEEP Pasteur Institute of Lille).